Do you know…

Do you know…

Do you know that when using household cleaning agents, fabric softeners, deodorizers and cleaning products that contains bleach can cause damage color or discoloration to your carpet?  absolutely… these household cleaning agents contains strong PH (acidic), and when...
Spokane Best Carpet Cleaner

Spokane Best Carpet Cleaner

JR provide an Outstanding Carpet cleaning in the Inland Northwest, while providing a great customer service. We provide carpet cleaning service, Pet treatment, Stain and Spot Removal, and more. All our carpet cleaning products are top-notch and do the right job for...
What causes dark lines on a carpet ?

What causes dark lines on a carpet ?

Spokane Carpet Cleaning, Spokane WA, Spokane Residents, WA Residents: Have you ever wonder what these dark lines along your carpets are? Dark lines along walls, stairs and under doors or draperies are called filtration soiling. Filtration soiling is associated with...